Capstone Journal Entry
Capstone Journal Entry – Last Lecture

This journey will not be a smooth one. There will be difficulties that present themselves throughout this process. As the difficulties present themselves, use them to learn and grow. Do not shy away from them. As you face them and get through them you will grow and become more determined in your pursuit. Every major success has had failure behind it. Do not give up when this happens. Persevere and you will be blessed for doing so. If things are going smoothly, it means you are not challenging yourself. Never be complacent and always set new goals to accomplish.
Another key insight I would like to pass on is to set your priorities and values ahead of time. Don’t wait until the decision is before you. Establish them and do not neglect them once you find success. If your business is established to provide a better life for your family, do not put your work before them. Make them central in all you do. There are many devastating instances of entrepreneurs finding success and getting lost in the accomplishment at the expense of their personal life. Do not let this happen. Keep a focused perspective on your priorities. Do not lose sight of your values to short-term gains. Always be honest and trustworthy in your dealings. Also put in an honest days work. Do not go into unwarranted debt.
Lastly, I would advise you to surround yourself with good people who hold similar values as you. Learn from these people. Rely on their knowledge and experience. Do not look down on them or treat them as lesser workers. Understanding everyone’s role and placing trust in your employee to do to is a key to success. Having individuals that you trust and will work hard will enable your business to run smoothly without constant oversight. It will allow you to focus on what you are good at. In doing so you will be able to expand and grow the company.
These are the key principles I would like to pass on to you. You have been given this limited precious time here on Earth. Make the most of it and don’t take it for granted. Follow your dreams and grasp them.
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