Lesson 13: Entrepreneur Journal
I really enjoyed the failure videos this week. It gives a whole new perspective on what it means and what can be achieved from it. The Michael Jordan video was really powerful. The greatest basketball player of all time and he was motivated by his failures to continue to achieve greatness. He took the trials and misfortunes he experience and used them to be successful at the greatest level of that sport. I also really enjoyed the “Life=Risk—Motivation”. I hadn’t heard of a number of failures the famous people achieved, specifically that Abraham Lincoln failed at getting elected 8 times. If you don’t have these failures you can’t learn from them. The knowledge you gain will create a drive and determination you otherwise would not access. This is the knowledge I took from the videos this week.
This week I turned in my $100 Challenge PowerPoint. It was a great opportunity to examine what I have been able to achieve over the last 6 weeks with the project and view the other classmate’s work. I am happy that I was able to meet my goal in doing something that I am passionate about. It was a great experience to start a small company and apply the knowledge we have gained throughout the semester. I am grateful for the experience and look forward to applying it throughout my professional life.
I am also grateful for all the information I have learned this semester. I feel it has all been substantial and beneficial to my future endevours. I look forward to how it develops.
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