Being Unified

     Unfortunately I missed the last two weeks journal entries due to family illness.  In regards my $100 challenge project and to catch up, the first week I was able to meet the challenge and sell a sculpture for $300.  Business has dried up since then so I am been sending specific and mass emails out to individuals who would be interested in the sculptures.  So far I have gotten a few responses back with further inquires.  Hopefully something will stem from them.  I will keep you posted. 
     This week through our lesson we learned about BPI (business process improvement), which we use in the company I work for.  We do this to find any inconsistences in our processes and where we can make improvements to streamline things more efficiently.  This helps curb shortfalls and underperforming areas.  I appreciate in the lesson how it spoke to do so in a positive and constructive way and not to bring people down.  I especially liked the quote from Henry Ford that said “Don’t find fault, find a remedy.”  I have seen so often once a shortfall is found that it immediately someone’s wrongdoing or error that caused it and not the process.  It is so much more productive to recognize the issue and work together to find a solution.  It is very harmful to pull others down.  It was great to learn that this week and I will look to implement it in my future dealings. 

     Lastly, I really found Catherine Rohr’s comment from her Acton video excerpt to “have good people around you when times get tough.”  When issues arise in a company and times get tough it is much more effective to group together and face the problems as a unit than each to pick off the others and because disorganized.  Of course, much easier to say than do but very solid words of wisdom.         


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