Standing Out From The Herd

     From this weeks reading and videos a common theme that stood out to me was the concept of standing out from "the herd".  I really enjoyed the 'Purple Cow' reading and the importance of not trying to appeal to everyone but to a select market.  If you create a product that stands out customers will find you.  This theme also ran through Phil Romano's interview on Acton Hero.  He has set himself apart by not following others and making his own path.  As Romano stated in his interview "You only live once."  It is important not to wait for opportunities to come to you but to go out and seek them and provide your unique vision and insight to them to make it your own.

     I found this weeks $100 challenge a bit challenging in writing my elevator pitch but in it I learned quite a bit.  I am glad I was able to work through the obstacles and present my pitch.  The feedback I received was helpful and caused me to make some changes to my presentation.  It was a good experience and glad I had the opportunity.

    This class has been rewarding and insightful so far.  I am looking forward to the upcoming coursework and the challenge it will provide.  I look forward to being push out of my comfort zone.  


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