"If Your Business Depends On You, You Don’t Own A business – You Have A Job

     Week four.  I have really enjoyed the case study pieces we have done in this class.  It has been rewarding approaching these scenarios with an examining perspective.  This week we did the Heather Evans case study and learned the importance of ensuring you have a solid footing and grasp of the current objectives you have before moving on.  In the case we were presented, she had strong background knowledge to support us but just continued forward in her plan, without making any adjustments, when she had not completely some fundamental objectives.  In doing so she might have compromised her business plan.  I have always appreciated applying the principles we are learning to real-life experiences instead of just learning facts.  
     This week I also enjoyed learning more in-depth about business plans how it is a map to your objectives that should always be revised and updated as you progress and fulfill the tasks.  It is something a was aware of previously but did not realize the complete significance of one until I am able to implement one which I will be doing shortly with my $100 challenge project.  This week I constructed a business plan for my project, which will be creating driftwood sculptures.  Considering the feedback I received from classmates and my own thoughts I decided to go with this project.  As I have already developed previous interest in my artwork I feel incorporating another aspect will be rewarding.  I am really looking forward to seeing how it develops. 

     I have been reading the book “E-Myth – The Myth of the Entrepreneur” for the last two weeks as well.  Learning some really crucial information about how to be an effective business owner.  It was really intriguing reading about the idea most people have that if your good at your job “technician” you will be good at running a business doing that job.  In the book I have been learning that it is not a successful way to look at it as they are quite opposite roles.  You actually have to be 3 people in one and have the skill sets of each.  One quote from the book really struck me “if your business depends on you, you don’t own a business – you have a job.”  Very insightful and not a perspective I have realized before.  I look forward to reading and learning more.          


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